Setting a Superior Plan in Motion Means Having Superior Tools to Manage It
Even the best-laid plans can fail without the tools, information, and visibility to know your environment. The Helipass platform was designed to bring the most important data from operators, transport providers, and contractors into one solution with up-to-the-minute insights and high-resolution predictive capability. Using AI and Machine Learning technology, Helipass gives your team predictive capability you can trust and a toolset anyone can use.
Personnel On-Board (POB)
Knowing the whereabouts of your entire workforce at all times is critical. With the Helipass Journey Management Fabric™ at the core of our solution, we can tell you the exact location of people and materials in your operating environment at any point in time. Combined with the Helipass Status Engine, our POB solution can tell you whether each asset’s emergency roles are sufficiently manned, and help you proactively fix staffing issues to stay safe and compliant.
Passenger Compliance
When we talk about compliance, we’re talking about something vital to the safety and well-being of our industrial workforce. It’s central to our mission at Helipass and it’s important to those we serve. Our Journey Management Fabric™ handles compliance in a new and unique way, evaluating compliance for every passenger at every step of the lifecycle based on their competency, identification, fatigue risk, work history, or the particulars of their trip origin and destination. Our Status Engine can handle any possible decision scenario, and ensures your workforce are safe and ready for the job.
Health and Security
Helipass was born within the world’s most rigorous and safety-focused aviation organization. Even as we’ve grown our service portfolio to include so much more, our origins in safety excellence shine as our solution addresses the security and well-being of our workforce. By extending the power of our Status Engine to allow for random selection of passengers and cargo for drug screening or package inspection at any point in their journey, we’ve raised the bar across the market for transparency and safety. With optional temperature monitoring available in our self-service hardware, we can extend and scale your workforce health initiatives at the ground level.